Private coaching with Jessica 

Your safe space to learn the ins and outs of being a parent.  

I provide practical advice and non-judgmental guidance as you begin the beautiful journey of parenthood. You've got this! 

real talk:

There's a huge gap when it comes to education for new parents, which can leave you feeling confused, anxious and scared. 

Prenatal courses prepare you for birth, but often skip the day-to-day essentials of what preparing for a baby truly looks like. And post natal? Don't even get me started! Once a baby arrives most first-time parents are usually left wondering what to do with the tiny human they now find in their care. 

There's a lot of information out there, but it doesn't cover the true basics- the things you'll actually need to know about bringing your baby home and learning to care for it. 

i see you, I hear you and I'm ready to help

I have thousands of baby hours under my belt and the qualifications to match. 

So many first-time parents often tell me that there really isn't enough information out there - at least not when it comes to truly useful stuff. Like knowing what to do when your baby won't stop crying and you've only had 4 hours of sleep in 3 days. 

Or how to make sure your baby is safe while sleeping, when you've literally never done this before. 

I come from an extensive healthcare background paired with multiple certifications that are specific to working with newborns and families. I have hands-on experience dealing with nearly every situation imaginable, which gives me a well-rounded approach to guide you through this tender stage. 

I also understand that every parenthood journey is unique and blanket programs don't always bring it full circle for your family. I provide a tailored-experience based on real-time things happening in the day-to-day of your baby's life. We're in this together! 

Don't worry, I've got you! 

“Jessica has been the most incredible support to me and my family and the most loving and intuitive carer. I work long hours in a stressful job and she was brilliant at understanding our needs and making a huge amount of informed help feel effortless. Her medical training and emotional intelligence push her above and beyond .”

- naomi de pear 

shaina finally had some free time again

“Working with Blaire was one of the best decisions I've made in my business. It's literally been game-changing.”

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Next Case Study 

Caring Guidance From the Comfort of Your Home 

 Newborn sleep: what to expect and laying the foundation for healthy sleep habits down the road. 

Feeding styles: finding the best method that works for your family (breastfeeding, bottle feeding or combination feeding). 

Breastmilk vs formula: breaking the stigma and doing what's best for you and your family. 

Creating a support system: what it involves and different ways you can do it. 

Common newborn issues and how to deal with them

 General baby care,   bonding, safe sleep and   more! 

Self-care and parental mental health: your needs are important too. Learning to find time for yourself as a parent is possible!  

some of the topics we can explore together 

From nursery and clothing  essentials, to feeding, safe sleep and more, we'll go over everything you need to know about the day-to-day essentials of caring for your new baby. 

What's included: 

full personalized access during the month

2 x 60 minute sessions via zoom

unlimited messaging and voice notes for in between session support

an offboarding package with tips for future sleep and developmental milestones and how to navigate them

anything and everything i share with my night nanny clients, tailored to your baby and your unique situation. 

Basically, I'll be your newborn bestie, friend and coach, that you can access as much as you need throughout the fourth trimester, until you are ready to fly solo.

the investment: $990 CAD /month

Your will be billed upon signing our coaching agreement. If using a payment plan, your second payment will be due 2 weeks in, and the last payment at the end of the month when the coaching container ends.  If you are from Canada, all prices include GST.

Yes please, where do I sign?  

3 payments of $330.00

pay in full: $990.00 

“We started working with Jessica weeks after our twins were born. They are now 3 months old and are truly the happiest babies. So much of this is due to Jessica and her guidance. She has so much experience and knowledge, it's like having a coach to guide you through any challenges or questions you may have .”

- Egbert L.

Is This Right For You?

You want to feel more confident and empowered in your role as a parent 

You're overwhelmed by all the things you feel that you need to know 

you want a reliable source whom you can ask questions pertaining to your baby's well-being and development. 

you want to feel secure in the knowledge you need to care for your new baby 

while also making space for yourself as a new parent. 

is that a yes?

Book a Virtual Meet & Greet

If you're leaning towards a yes but would like to get to know me better before signing up, you can book a 30 minute virtual meet and greet so we can chat and see if we're the right fit.

I have lots of families reach out wanting to work with me directly but my calendar is already full with overnight clients, The monthly coaching container provides another great way to work with me! You sill get access to the 1:1 guidance I provide my clients as they navigate their parenthood journey. 

let's chat!



in your new role as a parent  

get the support you need to be there for your baby -and each other - in the best way possible. I'm here to guide you. 



apply now